As a new school year begins, we would like to remind you of Montecito Union’s attendance procedures. It is important to follow these procedures to ensure that each student is accounted for every day of school.
1. All communication with the school regarding attendance should be sent to Please include the date(s); name of child(ren); teacher(s); and reason for absence.
· If a parent does not have access to email, they may call the front desk at 805-969-3249.
· A parent can still contact the child’s teacher about an absence to inform the teacher or coordinate homework, but they must also use the attendance email for official notification.
2. The front office will make all phone calls to inquire about absences that we were not aware of.
3. Any students arriving after attendance has been submitted at 8:35 must report to the office to check-in prior to coming to class. If a student arrives at the classroom without a tardy slip, teachers will redirect him or her to the front office.
Do not hesitate to contact us should you have questions.