Residency verification is required every year for new and returning families.
The first step to enroll your student at MUS is to provide Verification of Residence of parent, caregiver, licensed foster agency or group home representative, or California Superior Court-appointed legal guardian by submitting the following documents:
1) A current lease/rental agreement signed by landlord and tenant/guardian in its entirety OR a current property tax bill or grant deed listing parent/guardian’s name and residence property address*
2) A current electricity, water, or gas bill (all pages, top & bottom, with name, service period, and residence/service address clearly listed) or verification of service connection reflecting parent/guardian's name and residence address.**
If lease/rental agreement states that all utilities are included (water, gas, and electricity), provide TWO alternate forms of residency verification reflecting guardian’s name, service period or date received, and residence/service address such as:
*If parent/guardian does not have a formal lease agreement or homeownership document in their name as described above in #1, a notarized affidavit signed by landlord is required (click here for template) as well as the landlord’s proof of homeownership or signed lease agreement with right to sublease as described above in #1. Parent/guardian must submit copy of most recent utility bill (water, gas, or electricity) as described above in #2.
**In the event a utility service connection notice is used for proof of residency, then a utility bill must be provided within 45 days to assure continued enrollment.
Families with leases that expire before the end of the academic year, month-to-month agreements, or required affidavits will be prompted to reconfirm residency by providing utility bills or applicable forms of residency verification in late fall and spring.
Please notify the school office of your change of address by phone, email, or in-person. The new signed lease agreement or proof of homeownership document must be submitted immediately. A utility service connection statement should be submitted once available followed by the first utility bill within 45 days of service connection.
To confirm your residence is within MUS boundaries, please call our office at 969-3249.
Required documents may be submitted via email, fax, USPS, or drop-off
Montecito Union School
Att: Student Records
385 San Ysidro Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Fax: 805-969-0633